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Airija Chat Studijos uzsienyje
Programu ir fondu skelbimai Studiju uzsienyje informacinis centras Nuorodos Apie si tinklapi |
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Papildomu stipendiju ieskokite atskiru saliu puslapiuose:
Taip pat ziurekite langas.net esamam Studiju uzsienyje informacijos centro puslapyje Tarptautiniu stipendiju taip pat ieskokite siuose puslapiuose:
http://www.eastchance.com (puiki moksline duomenu baze Rytu ir Vidurines Europos studentams)
Ivairus tarptautiniai fondai: Vienkartiniu programu/fondu skelbimai: (Kai kurie skelbimai paimti is informacinio lapelio, kuri leidzia "VU Tarptautiniu rysiu skyrius" ir "ALF Studiju uzsienyje informacijos centras") ROYAL SOCIETY POST-DOCTORAL GRANTS
The Royal Society's international programme provides grants for scientific
research visits to the UK. Overseas scientists apply through the Society's partner
organisations overseas where formal exchange arrangements exist, or the UK host may apply for
grants for visiting colleagues. Grants are for individuals and the main criteria are the quality of the
individual and the proposed scientific research. Grants are intended to provide for accommodation
and subsistence. Some will also include the cost of international airfare and a contribution towards
research related consumables. 1) SHORT-TERM VISITS TO UK FROM FORMER SOVIET UNION Study visit grants are for short-term visits to enhance the research capabilities of individual scientists, develop international collaborative links, enable participation in international programmes and preserve high quality science. CLOSING DATES: Applications for short-term Agreement visits must be made to the home Academy, which may have its own closing dates and application forms. Applications for short-term Ex-Agreement visits will be assessed at 4 annual closing dates (1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November) with results available within approximately six to eight weeks. Proposed start dates must be at least three months after the relevant closing date.
ELIGIBILITY: Short-term visits are intended for scientists of postdoctoral status or equivalent in the natural
sciences including mathematics, engineering, medicine and the scientific research aspects of
psychology, archaeology, geography and the history of science who have good contacts with a UK
scientist working in their field. Awards are not granted on the areas of social sciences or clinical
medical research. CONTACT DETAILS: For further information please email: easteurope@royalsoc.ac.uk 2) ROYAL SOCIETY/NATO POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME
The programme aims to strengthen scientific links between the United Kingdom and Central and
Eastern Europe/the former Soviet Union. CLOSING DATES: Closing dates for the programme are 15 April and 1 October. The UK host scientist is responsible for completing the application form and ensuring that all parts of the application form are received at the Society by the relevant closing date. ELIGIBILITY: All applicants must be of PhD or equivalent status. Candidates must have obtained their PhD within the last five years and must not have had more than seven years PhD level experience. If in the final stages of a PhD, they must have it confirmed by the start of the fellowship.Those candidates who have spent, or will have spent at the start of the proposed visit, nine consecutive months in a Western European, North American, Australasian or Japanese research laboratory are not eligible to apply. CONTACT DETAILS: For further information please contact the International Exchanges Section by email: nato@royalsoc.ac.uk 3) JOINT PROJECTS BETWEEN UK AND CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION
As part of the Society's policy of encouraging scientific links with countries of Central/Eastern
Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (fSU), applications are invited for grants for selected
joint projects involving a UK group and one other group from one CEE or fSU country. The funding
provided is small scale and may be seen as seed money for larger, long-term collaboration and
further development. CLOSING DATES: Closing dates for applications are: 15 June and 15 November ELIGIBILITY: Applications will be considered for research in the natural and applied sciences including mathematics, engineering, medicine and the scientific research aspects of psychology, archaeology, geography and the history of science. Awards are not granted in the areas of social sciences or clinical medical research. CONTACT DETAILS: Further information about this programme can be obtained by contacting the International Exchanges Section on 0171 451 2563 or by emailing easteurope@royalsoc.ac.uk CONTACT INFORMATION More details and applications can be found at: www.royalsoc.ac.uk (look under Grants & Funding, International, Study visits, fellowships and joint projects and at their country index for specific programs for your country)
Yra pora pasiulymu del studiju ir darbo Kanadoje. Pirmasis tai NATO
stipendija post daktarinems studijoms (gamtos mokslai ir inzinerija) Kanados
universitetuose kandidatams is Centrines ir Rytu Europos: informacija
http://www.nserc.ca taip pat ten yra ir reikalingi uzpildyti
(info atsiunte: Rolanda Kuncyte rolanda@crt.umontreal.ca) |
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Puslapis atnaujintas: 2001 m. spalio 21 d.