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Lithuanian Association in Ireland Limited has been registered in January 2005, however it has been active since 1999.

About Lithuanians in Ireland

It is estimated that there are around 120000 Lithuanians living in Ireland. There were over 45 000 PPS numbers issued to Lithuanians in Ireland. It is also estimated that around 1/3 of these live in Dublin area.
Lithuanian association has been active for over 6 years now.
Activities of the Lithuanian Association in Ireland include the following:
* organising of Lithuanian concerts and other events
* running 2 Lithuanian weekend schools (1 in Dublin, 1 in Cork) for Lithuanian children
* running a mailing list lithuaniansinireland (~700 members)
* publishing information for Lithuanians in Ireland on a web site (~200-300 unique visitors per day)
* publishing a Lithuanian bi-weekly newspaper "Saloje"
* organising monthly Lithuanian gatherings in Dublin and Cork

Lithuanian Employees

The following options are available to Irish companies wishing to employ Lithuanian people:

  1. Contacting a Lithuanian employment agency Dekapolis Ltd, which is located in Dublin. Their e-mail is and their phone number is +353 (86) 3030255.

  2. Your advertisment, job offer or some other information can be published on a Lithuanian classified ads web site http://www.1000sads.comThis classified ads site is specifically targeted to Lithuanians in Ireland.

  3. You can contact a Lithuanian newspaper "Saloje" and place your ad or information there. Their e-mail is

Partners in Lithuania

If you would like to find partners in Lithuania you might want to visi the website which is mentioned bellow. The web site contains descriptions of Lithuanian products and companies whishing to find partners in Ireland.

Learning Lithuanian language

This information relates to 2 separate projects as described bellow.
Sandford Language Institute is going to start teaching Lithuanian language. The course duration is 14 weeks, the price - 250 Euro. The course is due to start in the end of October. If you are interested in this please contact Ewa Baslyk by phone 01-2601296 or e-mail [ ewa.baslyk et ]
The Lithuanian school "Keturi vėjai" is also considering teaching adults, but we would like to see how much interest is there. So if you are an adult interested in learning Lithuanian language, please send me the following details by e-mail [ brovienas et ]:
Full name and title:
Year of birth:
Reason for learning Lithuanian:

Traveling to Lithuania

To be done

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