Airiai norėtų, kad Airijoje gyvenantys lietuviai (bei kiti užsieniečiai) paragintų savo artimuosius Lietuvoje balsuoti už Airiją Eurovizijoje.
Sunday Independent rašo: "This is not a threat, just a suggestion to the many Polish and Latvians and Lithuanians and whatnot who now call Ireland home: Contact your relatives in the old country, explain to them that we are a friendly and tolerant people, but that we can be pushed too far. Tell them we like to win the Eurovision, or at least do well. Tell them that though we pretend to think it's naff, we are secretly insulted when our birthright of a place in the final is threatened. Tell them that for us not to have that place in the final could mean we're a little less friendly to Eastern Europeans who comehere in the future."
Pilnas Sunday Independent straipsnis We've got to win the Eurovision or else... (reikalinga nemokama registracija).