Šeštadienį Airijos Donegolio grafystėje kaktomuša susidūrus dviems mašinoms žuvo penki žmonės – keturi latviai ir vienas lietuvis. Kelyje Bankrana – Deris gyvybių neteko trys Liepojos gyventojai - 23 m. vyras, 38 m. moteris ir dvidešimtmetė jos dukra – bei trisdešimties dar neturinti Valkos gyventoja.
Aija Porcika (38) from Liepaja in western Latvia had just collected her 19-year-old student daughter Ginta Veite at Dublin airport and was returning to Buncrana with friends Marita Kerpe (28) and Ricardas Bielskis (35) when their car was in a head-on collision with an oncoming car occupied by two Latvian men, including Danielius Abartis (23) also from Liepaja.
The other Latvian man is being treated at Letterkenny General Hospital but is expected to make a full recovery.