Noriu būti doktorantu AirijojeKlausimas: Nusprendziau stoti į doktorantūrą.Vienas is variantų yra Airija, nes radau profesorę, kuri dirba manedominčioje srityje. Tačiau lieka svarbiausias klausimas studijųfinansavimas. Atsakymas (paruose Vytenis): Geriausias mano patarimas būtų pabendrauti tiesiogiai su ta profesore, kuri dirba tavo srityje. PaprastaiPhD sudentai gauna finansavimą per projektą, kuriame dirbs. Profesorėturėtų zinoti, koks PhD projektų finansavimas pas juos universitete.Yra Airijoje valstybinių ir ne valstybinių fondų, veikia EuroposSąjungos programos, kuriose dalyvauja universitetai (Lietuva yraasocijuota narė, todėl lietuviams irgi vartai atviri). Nieko konkretaus negaliu pasiūlyti is socialiniumokslų, nes zinau tik kas susiję su tiksliaisiais mokslais, kadangipats juos studijuoju (elektronika). Prikabinau keletą nuorodų su stipendijų paieskom - gal kuo pravers (tiesa, as pats neistyrinėjau kas ten konkrečiai siūloma) Airiai turi tokią neblogą valst. organizacija "Enterprise Ireland", kuri remia technologijų mokslus ir inovacijas: - organizuoja bendradarbiavimo programas tarp universitetų ir firmų; - remia inovacijas, technologijų raidą Taip pat Airijoje veikia Irish Research Councilfor Science, Engineering and Technology (IRSECT), kuris labiau susijęssu tiksliaisiais mokslais (Science, Engineering and Technology). Enterprise Ireland (Airija)
Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (Airija)
CORDIS (tarptaut.)
Scholarland (tarptaut.)
International Scholarships (tarptaut.)
Fastweb scholarships (tarptaut.)
Apie IRCSETthere are a number of funding programmes beingannounced by IRCSET (Irish Research Council for Science, Engineeringand Technology) which are targetted at funding PhDs and Post-docs inIrish Universities starting this year (2002-2003). Komentaras: The great advantage of theseprogrammes is that we can get researchers funded independent of havingproject funding at the institution... Embark InitiativeEmbark finansuoja žmones ir idėjas suteikdamilėšas tiesiogiai tyrėjams ir tyriantiems studentams. Embark programosnesistengia paremti programų susijusių su gamybiniu ar ekonominiufokusu, bet stengiasi paremti tyrėjus tiriančius idėjas ir vizijųpavertimą realybe. "Embark takes a unique approach to fundingpeople and ideas, providing direct financial support for researchers& research students. Its programmes do not target research projectswith an industrial or economic focus but instead aim to supportresearchers in exploring ideas and bringing vision to reality." Oficiali Embark Initiative svetainė
Dublin European InstituteDublin European Institute A Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Irish Government Scholarships for Officials of EU Candidate States The Scholarship: The Government of Irelandhas established a substantial scholarship fund for national governmentofficials of the 12 candidate states negotiating membership of theEuropeanUnion. The scholarship will pay the complete EU non-residenttuition fee for the Master of Economic Science in European Economic andPublic Affairs (MEconSc). In 2002 this fee was ?13,500. The scholarshipwill also pay for 12 months campus accommodation in new purpose-builtpostgraduate residences (single room with shared facilities The Programme Based in the Social Sciences, thisintensive interdisciplinary 12-month programme focuses on the business,economic, legal and political aspects of European integration and theEuropean Union. It is designed to provide graduates with stronganalytical and research tools for working in a high-level Europeanenvironment. Students take custom-designed core courses from theMichael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, the Faculty of Law andthe Departments of Economics and Politics. There is also a range ofdedicated optional courses. Students will submit a specialised15,000-word research dissertation and participate actively in each oftwo 14-day research visits to Brussels and Florence (flight andaccommodation costs included in tuition fee) The Dublin European Institute The Dublin European Institute, established atUCD in 1999, is an interdisciplinary postgraduate teaching and researchcentre for European Studies. As a Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence,the Institute draws together the research and teaching skills of morethan 12 departments, across four university faculties, directlyinvolving more than 40 academics including six Jean Monnet Professors.The Institute's research focus is supported by substantial researchfunding from the European Commission and centres upon theEuropeanisation of national public policies and the adaptation of smaller European states to EU membership Selection Criteria Basic criteria and selectionprocedures for award of the scholarship are the same for admission tothe MEconSc programme. Applicants must also, however, be employed asnational officials of one of the 12 EU candidate states currentlynegotiating terms of admission. They may be employed on a permanent orcontract basis. One scholarship is reserved for officials from eachstate. In the event that no applications meeting basic admissionscriteria are received from officials of one or more states, anyremaining scholarships will be redistributed among the highest-rankingcandidates - regardless of nationality. In the event that a scholarshipis awarded but the candidate, for whatever reason, either declines theoffer or fails to take up their place, that scholarship will be offeredto the next highest ranked candidate - regardless of nationality Applications must be submitted on an individualbasis. The standard DEI application form for the MEconSc programme isto be used. This form and complete information on the degree programmeitself may be obtained either from the DEI web site athttp://www.europeanstudies.ie or from the Institute directly.Candidates should then indicate, in their covering letter, that theyare applying for an Irish Government Scholarship. Contact Ms. Dolores Burke, Institute Manager, Dublin European Institute, UCDBelfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, telephone 00 353 1 716 7634, facsimile 00353 1 269 2589 and email dei@ucd.ie. The deadline for receipt of allapplication materials (application forms plus references and all othersupporting documentation) is 1 March 2003. Notification of the resultof their application will be sent to all candidates no later than 28April 2003 Modernaus Meno muziejus
Artist's Work Programme
Science Foundation IrelandSFI provides grants for researchers from aroundthe world and based in Ireland, for outstanding research visitors, forconferences and symposia, and for collaboration with industry. SFI